A New Corporate culture: Mindfulness and the Workplace

Excessive stress is estimated to  cost the Canadian economy 1 billion dollars in lost productivity every year.  In the workplace environment, too much stress can affect employees’ attendance, abilities to concentrate, meet deadlines, make decisions, and manage professional relationships.

Your company can reduce these losses and prevent more serious ones with meditation, a proven, effective method to reduce stress. Once your employees learn mindfulness techniques they can do it  for free on their own, anywhere (at home, at their desk, on a business trip).  As a result meditation is very cost-effective and the benefits are huge.

What meditation can do for you

According to a national survey, 18% of Canadians say the workplace causes them the most stress. That’s #2 on the list right under you guessed it - finances.
Here’s a breakdown of the top four stressors:
  • Finances 43%
  • Workplace 18%
  • Family Matters / Problems 17%
  • Meeting Children’s Needs 16%

Helping employees manage workplace stress through meditation can:

  • reduce absenteeism (less sick days)
  • increase job satisfaction
  • strengthen employee commitment
  • improve company morale
  • even improve satisfaction with family life

Meditation courses can tailored for your workplace, whether it’s lunch time classes, half day workshops or weekend retreats.